Thursday, February 26, 2009

Planes of Motion

In the future, I will address additional equipment necessary to becoming Steel Cut.  But first, I want to address how we move---so bear with me.  The absorption of a few, not overly burdensome, principles will aid in understanding efficiency in exercise, and how best to maximize the results of working out.  

So, yeah, PLANES OF MOTION.....  Three "planes"--the Sagittal, the Frontal, and the Transverse--exist to explain movement, and all forms of life, even Harry Reid, pass through them.  An example of Sagittal plane movement is the nodding, backward and forward, of the head; whereas, Transverse movement swivels the head, and Frontal plane movement, like the hands of a clock, occurs along the "line" an arrow makes when penetrating one ear and passing out the other.  Servants bow in the Sagittal plane.  A metronome ticks in the Frontal.  And President Obama, when orating, moves in the Transverse.
Please, rise....  The best way to remember something is to imprint it on the brain, not through passive reading but trial. You up?  Good.  Dance....  What you'll discover, if surrounded, is that people in the vicinity, more or less, think you're weird. But also that activity in a single plane rarely occurs independent of subordinate planes.  In walking, for instance, the dominant plane is Sagittal.  However, in transferring from one foot to the other, the trunk must stabilize, to control sway, in the Frontal, while concurrently rotating about the axis of the spine.  The spectrum is used, each and every plane, and while forward motion occurs largely in the Sagittal, a basketball player shuffling to prevent a slam-dunk has shifted emphasis to Mr. F.P.  An ice-skater decked out in Victoria's Secret incites the crowd by becoming a blur---"A girl atwirl in the Transverse plane!"  

Got it?  You're prepared.  You know more kinesiology--the science of movement--than 99% of personal trainers, and are poised to apply it to your workout regimen.  Perhaps you dream of touching your toes.... the English Channel....  the North Face of Kanjenchuga?  Excellent.  Grasping "kinetic principles" provides the template for goals.  Play baseball? Rotary power in the Transverse plane will transform dribblers into scalding line-drives.  Tennis?  The serve is a classic three-plane movement.  I, Steel Cut Oats, am not one of those curiously orange trainers who, after a daunting struggle with diet, becomes an orange "success"---I've been in shape all my life.  "Shape" is relative, however, and it wasn't until I learned the Principles of Motion, and how to apply them, that I reached the "next level."  How did this occur?  Why did injuries--the balky hip, the bad back--disappear?  Because I worked in mechanically sound ways.  Future blogs will address specific exercise invaluable to supporting joints while enhancing kinetic power. 

--- Foot Strengthening  
   --- Bosu 
--- Ballistic Exercise
--- Weighted Balls

Indeed, invaluable.  Once I grasp video, this site will feature text-supported demonstrations of me blasting through work-outs so exacting that the difference between function and flailing is clear.  Until then, remember: You don't need a ticket....  All that's required to pass through a plane is a burning desire too GET OFF YOUR _____!! 

 Makten, Steel

Next Blog: Foot Strengthening.... 

Note: I realize that the video isn't exactly High Def.  I shot the original sideways and, instead of starting over, "filmed the film," a technique pioneered by Marvin Scorcese.  If re-production is in order, please let me know.  

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